Monday, October 7, 2013

Closing of Federal Monuments a Scam

Shutdown overreach: More personnel sent to WWII memorial than Benghazi; Park Service closes park it doesn't run

Until now, I didn't normally make many statements of a political nature, but after reading this, I decided that something needs to be said. I believe our government, both Democrats and Republicans, have no interest in what's best for this country. I see people supporting Obamacare BECAUSE they support Obama, not because it's a good piece of legislation. I am man enough to say that my party of choice is screwed up and needs to get real with what's going on in this world. I am also man enough to say that the party I do not support might have some good ideas. I believe that something needs to be done with healthcare for the 30 million people who don't have it, but to change healthcare for the 270 million that do have it, is not the answer. And if it's so good, why is Obama allowing unions and other select "supporters" to opt out of it? Just asking.

Another problem is that the polarization of political sides is supported by the media, both conservative and liberal. The "middle of the road", which is where I believe most Americans reside, is not allowed to be heard because that doesn't sell news.

This country was founded on principles that have since been lost due to "career" politicians. The voting public votes based on what they can get by electing someone into office, not on what society as a whole would get. Programs that reward people for NOT working, subsidizing farmers to leave fields fallow, basically trying to manipulate our economy instead of allowing the economy to work as it is designed to work. Businesses that make bad decisions should be allowed to go under and those that make good decision should be allowed to flourish. When we "bail out" a company that made bad decisions, we allow that company to continue making bad decisions. AND we give them an edge over a company that is making the right decisions in what should be a "competitive" market. Where were the subsidies for the companies making good decisions? Don't strain yourself trying to figure it out, there weren't any. They had to put their own capital at risk to grow their business, while the "too big to fail" companies got billions of dollars FREE when they should have gone out of business. Capitalism is designed to weed out the bad and allow the good to flourish.

I posted this because I see America going down the tubes and I don't know what the answer is. Actually, I know what the answer is, I just don't know how to get the other 300 million people in this country to see it. We have raised generations of takers and politicians who pander to them to keep their jobs, instead of raising citizens who think of others first and themselves second.


  1. Political parties are such a bad idea. It divides the country no matter how we look at it. We are supposed to live in a democracy where majority rules. Changing the health care because of a 1 to 9 ratio is clearly not the majority. (I'm sure voting statistics are different.)

    I feel like we are going downhill as a country: not because of Obama, and not because of Congress. It's the constituents: people who don't vote (I am included in this, unfortunately), uninformed voters, and voters who vote based on emotion. I can't tell you how many times I heard, "I'm voting for Obama because he's black." ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

    What else is unfortunate is the news channels needing to pay for time slots. Yes, the middle of the road is not "interesting". People won't watch it, but I don't watch the news BECAUSE of this bias. I also have a hard time truly believing that the extremists (like Rush Limbaugh) just can't believe some of the stuff he says/writes; it's completely absurd. It's for press.

    I'm also just personally pissed off about the national parks getting closed. This is the perfect time of year (especially here in Texas) to go camping. It's not too hot, and it's not too cold. The nicest parks are typically the national parks, but now we can't go at all. ON TOP OF THAT, I think it's messed up that Congress passed a law saying that they would also be getting paid during this shutdown....because they're really struggling financially. That's why they need bigger salaries every year, duh.

  2. When I got laid off, I voted to keep getting paid because I had kids in college and a mortgage to pay. For some reason, no one cared. I hadn't had a raise for many years because the company just couldn't afford to pay me more. Congress keeps getting raises and in this case continues getting paid and the whole issue at hand is to raise the debt ceiling so the country can continue spending money they don't have. I am failing to see the logic in all this.
